04 February 2012

The Exact Change

A weary traveler walked into a roadside restaurant one morning

He sat down at the table by the window, watching the cattle trucks hurtled down the highway.

A waitress came over and asked, "Morning....what would you like to have Sir?"

"Give me a sandwich and a cup of coffee please," he said.

The waitress promptly brought his orders.
He finished his breakfast quickly and said, " How much will it be?"

"You must be in a hurry," quipped the waitress, "That'll be 8 dollars and 47 cents, Sir."

The man rummaged his pocket and placed a handful of money in the tray.
The waitress counted the cash and it was exactly 8 dollars and 47 cents.

She was disappointed that the man did not leave some tips for her.

She turned around and was about to leave the man when he said," Wait...give me a Coke for the road, thanks."

She nodded and came back with a bottle of Coke.
"A dollar and 59 cents." She said tersely this time.

The man again went into his pocket and put the money into the tray.
It was exactly a dollar and 59 cents!
The smile disappeared from the waitress' normally cheery face.

The man noticed the change and said, " You look unhappy."

"You sure are right." She said and pointed to the sign above the cashier.


The man understood the reason for her sour-face and asked," How much do people around here tipped you?"

"Dunno, most of the times a couple of bucks. Sometimes more."

"Ok then. Since you are such a nice lady, I want to give you $375 and 86 cents....if that'll please you."

So he again reached into his pockets and put a lump of money on the table and headed for the door.
The waitress took the money and it was exactly $375.86!!
She was delighted and shocked at the same time.

"Sir! Wait up!"

"What is it now?" he asked.

"Thanks a lot. But how did you do it?"

"Did what?"

"How did you come up with the exact change everytime?"

Giving her a look that said he had told the story countless times, the man recounted;
"You see.....me and Bob, my partner, we used to be antique dealers. But our business was not very good."

He continued. " One day we received this lovely old lamp from India.
I remember Bob said to me, "Could be a magic lamp..why don't you give it a rub?"

So I rubbed it and POOF!! out came a genie.
The genie bowed his head and said, "O my masters! Thank you for releasing me from my 1000 year imprisonment. Now I grant both of you a wish each. Ask me whatever you desire."

I looked at Bob. He did not wait long. He already knew what he wanted.

He said, "O Genie! I have worked my butts for 15 years and have not much to show. Please grant me 10 million dollars cash, a Ferrari and you know what the other is......"

POOF!! Amidst smokes and flashes a red Ferrari appeared. There sat a pretty young lady in the passenger seat.
Bob opened the trunk and piles of cash were neatly stacked.

He was ecstatic!
He said thank you to the genie and good bye to me and off he went.
Last time I heard, he squandered all his millions and spending nights on the streets. Poor Bob."

"What about you Sir?" asked the waitress.

"Me? Well....the genie asked me, "Would you like the same master?"
I said, "No!"

And he said, "Do you want more? I can give you ten times as much money, rows of Ferraris and more of you know what......"
I said, "No genie, I don't want all of that."

He said, "Then what do you want?"
I said, "I just want to have enough when I need it."
The genie said, "Ooooo.....that's cool. Granted!"

POOF! and the genie was gone.

So you see, I don't have much to show today but I just have enough of what I need when I need it," the man concluded his story.


Tak ada kena mengena dengan hidup dan yang mati.

So, pengajarannya.
KAYA tu apa maknanya?
Banyak duit ka, atau cukup dengan apa yang ada?

Selain dari tu, kaya tu pun bukan dari segi duit saja....
tengoklah sekeliling kita.

Kalau kita tak banyak hutang (or better debt-free), walaupun gaji hanya 2-3 ribu dah kira kaya dari orang yang gaji 20-30 ribu tapi hutang keliling pinggang.
Kadang2 kesian juga tengok CEO2 yg gaji ratus-ratus ribu, tapi turun-naik mahkamah kena saman 200-300 juta. Pening kepala.

Tengok pula dalam rumah kita. Walaupun tak ada LED screen 52", tapi ada anak2 yang hormat orang tua, jaga solat dan rajin belajar. Kaya lah orang yang ada anak macam tu.

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