04 February 2012

The Exact Change

A weary traveler walked into a roadside restaurant one morning

He sat down at the table by the window, watching the cattle trucks hurtled down the highway.

A waitress came over and asked, "Morning....what would you like to have Sir?"

"Give me a sandwich and a cup of coffee please," he said.

The waitress promptly brought his orders.
He finished his breakfast quickly and said, " How much will it be?"

"You must be in a hurry," quipped the waitress, "That'll be 8 dollars and 47 cents, Sir."

The man rummaged his pocket and placed a handful of money in the tray.
The waitress counted the cash and it was exactly 8 dollars and 47 cents.

03 February 2012

Si Tuan Unta

Dalam sebuah hadis yang diriwayatkan oleh Al-Bazaar daripada Abu Hurairah r.a., diceritakan pada suatu hari seorang Badwi telah datang berjumpa Rasul saw dan meminta sedikit bantuan.

Lalu Rasul saw pun menunaikan permintaan Badwi tu. Tidak dinyatakan apakah yg diberi tu.
Kemudiannya Rasul saw pun bertanya kepada Badwi tu, "Adakah aku sudah berbuat baik kepada mu?"

Jawab Badwi tu, "Tidak sama sekali, malahan tidak ada sedikit kebaikan pun aku perolehi darimu!"

Subhanallah.....how ungrateful Badwi tu.

Sahabat2 Rasul saw pun bila tengok Badwi tu berlaku kasar terhadap Nabi saw, mereka pun amat marah. Mereka menerkam ke arah Badwi tersebut.